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Interview the GLOW club about the Visibility Day they are planning.

Interview the people who helped plan this year's PRISM's concert.

Mountain Campus 


Mountain Campus Food

We did a story on the food at Mountain Campus. Our original story was quite different than what we produced, and you can see that based on our storyboard. We wanted to have Quinn and Louisa actually make a meal with one of the employees there, but then we found out we wouldn't get to head over there at lunchtime. Then our second idea was interviewing Louisa and then the Director there but then the dates and the week we had didn't allow us to set up an interview with him at all. It was a little stressful to keep switching things around but we pulled it off in the end. 


We split up the work with Quinn and Louisa as the talent, Parker did the interviewing, Annmarie edited, and I shot the segments. We decided to film the intro and outro out of the blue one day because we saw what Annmarie was editing and it felt strange without any kind of an introduction or conclusion. I am happy without how that turned out and glad we decided to add that in. I love the music Annamarie put behind the interview, and I am impressed with the shots she scrambled together for b-roll. I really wish we were able to actually drive up and get our own shots but time just really didn't permit, and there was no time we would've actually been able to get in. 


In this film, I used a different lens than the 18-55mm kit lens I used to film the Interviews. I used a 50mm lens which is actually one of my favorite lenses in my bag due to the aperture of f/1.8. This means that the lens can open up significantly more than the f/4 on the 18-55mm. A larger opening gives you a shallower depth of field, meaning you get the blurry background the allows more focus on the subject. I am very happy with how things turned out in that sense. Except for one thing. I had the intention to do Louisa on one side and Andrew on the other so that it holds your interest throughout the whole screen rather than being too heavy on one side. I totally blanked when we were actually outside, and when Andrew sat down I didn't switch the camera and lights. In the outro with Quinn, I put her on the right side so it would balance it out a bit more, but I really wish I remembered to move the camera in Andrew's shot... 

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