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Behind The Scenes
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              I watched some behind the scene footage of the movie It. This is a horror movie that has come out recently that I really enjoyed and have been wanting to read the book. Watching how much work went into this movie made me appreciate even more. I never noticed how many shots were in each scene and all the different angles that had to be set up. I thought it was so cool to see the shots from a different perspective, being able to watch how it is playing out from the monitor and seeing how the cranes are moving to follow the actors. I also loved seeing all of the different kinds of cameras and microphones and how many people are behind the camera sometimes. There was one part that I saw that slightly confused me though. There was a video of one scene where an actor is standing there and one of the other actors is sitting on some chair connected to the camera (not in the shot) and I couldn’t figure out what was going on... (photo attached)

              It was crazy seeing the shots in the rain and how hard it was coming down. You see that in the movie but you fail to comprehend the work that went in behind the scenes in covering the equipment. Another thing along the same lines is how much they had to shut down. Whole streets and parks just to film a two minute or so scene in some cases. There were scenes in a school where you got to see them filing people through an entrance in order to show up on camera in the background in a way that looked natural. This feels slightly unrelated but I appreciated the makeup and costume that went into Pennywise (the clown) especially. Seeing raw footage of him, he still looked incredible and eerie in all the right ways.

         A major part of the movie was the shots in the sewer system and it looked phenomenal to the point where when watching the movie I kept thinking how they found something like that. When watching this behind the scenes I saw an enormous system of sewers alright, that they had built! They had an indoor space where they had a wooden structure designed for these shots. I can only imagine how difficult this must have been for the set designer (or maybe it was quite easy and I’m just dumb).

              Usually when I think if I ever were to work on a film set I would want to be managing the camera work and this still stands for this movie but honestly, the acting and/ or adapting the screenplay must have been so much fun. Stephen King is such a good writer and being the person to put his words into a motion picture or even get to speak them would be an incredible opportunity. Then again set designing for this movie would have to be up there for what job I would want most as well. The outside versus the inside (once there’s proper lighting for the shot) is seriously shocking.

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